Sales Order Management Transactions

Reviewing Document Flow VA03
Searching for a Customer Sales Order by Serial Number ZV11
Order Inquiry ZV33

Creating Sales Order VA01
Maintaining a Sales Order VA02
Displaying a Sales Order VA03
Releasing an Order or Delivery from Credit Hold: Non-Flooring VKM1
Releasing an Order or Delivery from Flooring Hold ZKM1
Manually Pre-authorizing Blocked Credit Card Orders Z.14
Display List of RMAs by Customer VA05
Confirm RMA Goods Receipt VL02
Generate list of open return orders for deletion VA05
Display Customer returns eligibility MCSI
Removing a Billing Block (Approving Credit/Debit Requests) V.23

What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common divisions?

Common Distribution Channel and Common Divison are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master records.
Eg: A customer is created for say sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer can be used in sales area 1000/30/00 if we maintain 20 as common distribution channel. Hence no need for extending the customers…the same for materials also.

M/SD: automatic transfer of cancellation billing document

In a subscription with amortization (delivery subscription or renewal subscription), posting occurs automatically when you cancel a billing procedure using the function “Function backdated.”
In the case of a collective transfer, separate intermediate payment data is created for the individual cancellation billing document, which is not desirable in FI.
Subsequent to this note, see Note 794764.

The constraint is removed so that a cancellation billing document is no longer posted automatically. The program change is available with the next Support Package.
A manual advance correction is attached to this note.

What is the difference between inbound and outbound delivery?

Inbound—material entered into plant (for stock purpose)

planned order 2- purchase order 3- production order
outbound—delivered from plant like all types of delivery process(through PGI)

What are the Steps for the End-user Training in SAP-sd module?

1. We will decide who the team members of end users are

2. Arrange one comman place for training

3. In a day with pre planned material and using development system with some hard copies of various transaction codes which will use by end users will distribute to them and ask them to practice

4. It is generally like an in house training which may remains for 2 daisies

5. After the training we will give them hard copies of list of transaction codes with narration which are relevant to their modules like SD related and PM related etc

What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys?

ERB is the account key used for rebate processing and it is a sales deduction.ERU is the accurual key used in pricing for rebate processing it is used for difference in sales revenues.


ERB is sales deduction and ERU is the accrual amount. Both amts are same but posted to diff GL a/cs

What r the 5 imp fields to be maintained in a/c determination

Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys.

User-Exits in the In- and Outbound Processing of IDocs

This document includes a list of user-exits, sorted by message type, which can be used in the in- and outbound processing of the corresponding IDoc.

You can download this document from the attachments section below.

How sales document is structured?

Sales Document is structured as three levels
1. Header Level
2. Item Level
3. Schedule line Level

Deleted deliveries

When you delete a document - It gets deleted from document flow also.

An easy way of finding it is go into va03 and enter any document which hasn't been deleted. Go in to Environment - Changes. Here, you change the document number that has been deleted. When you click execute button, you will be able to see all the changes and deletions as well.

Shipping Unit Tables in SD

Shipping Unit Tables in SD

VEKP - Shipping Unit Item (Content)

VEPO - Shipping Unit Header

Supplementary Invoice in SD

Have created one proforma invoice & transferred stock to my branch / depot at Delhi. This is my mother invoice with MRP, say, Rs. 100/-. Now the MRP is increased from date: 01.08.2007 with Rs. 107/-. I need to pass on the additional Excise duty for difference amount Rs. 7/-.
Is it possible to generate supplementary invoice in SAP SD module?
If yes, then how to create it? Please help me how could I resolve the problem.

To the best of my knowledge you cannot generate an excise invoice without reference to goods movement.
If you want to ensure the customer is debited for the relevant amount, please generate a credit memo and an excise JV to ensure that the relevant accounting entries are passed. However tracking is possible only through text fields.

Creating a Sales Document in SAP R/3

Various modules in SAP are based on the document concept. Every transaction in SAP can be traced back to a unique document number. While creating a sales document in SAP R/3, a user has to enter the following information in SAP:

- Document Type i.e. whether it is a quotation, sales order etc.
- Customer Details. This contains details such as sold-to-party, customer number etc.
- Sales Area. This includes Sales Organization, Sales Channel and Sales Division

Once all this information is entered in SAP, price is decided for the sales document depending upon the pricing determination procedure. In SAP, the steps which determine data appearing on the screen for e.g. price while document creation is called a determination procedure in SAP IMG. In SAP, one can choose from around 30 different types of price determination procedures defined. SAP also comes with over 100 standard condition types. Thus, creating a sales document is very easy provided it is done in a step by step manner

What and where types of copy controls we change

Copy Control: is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one. What subsequent Document is required is to some extent determined by Customer Requirements as well as Document Types. e.g. In general case of Standard Order, it will be Copy Control (Order to Delivery) from OR to LF .

Avaialbility check 01 (Daily requirement) and 02 (Individual Requirement) in material master

01 and 02 are the checking group. Availability check is carried out with the help of these checking group and checking rule. Checking group 01 and 02 are maintained on the material master.

01 - Individual requirement -For this system generates transfers the requirement for each order to the MRP .So that MM can either produce or procure.

02- Collective requirement.-In this all the requirements in aday or in a wek are processed at a time. System stores all req and passes on to the MRP in MRP run.In this system performance is high however you can not do the backorder processing whereas in other you can do.

If we dont give the horizan period in dynamic credit check

It will become Static Credit Check. Simple Credit Check means the Risk category of the customer is not considered. In Static and Dynamic, risk category is considered, only difference between them being that Dynamic has a time horizon, meaning that it does not consider open sales orders and open deliveries intended to be delivered beyond this horizon date for calculating the customer's credit exposure.

Consolidation route and delivery routes

consolidation route :

consolidation route is defined between the development sytem (consolidated system ) and the quality system (integration system )

Delivery route :

Delivery route is the transport route that connects the integration system and the Delivery system ( Production system )

Defining Logon Groups :

we can do this though our GUI and allways make sure that saplogon.ini is backed up , that consists of all the logon data

Logon Load balancing :

It is used to identify the least loaded application server

Domain controller :

it is the central admin of the system

transport domain :

it is the place the transport layer and routes can be configured to access this transaction use stms

Display/change data in credit management

When you process blocked Sales & Distribution (SD) documents (VKM1), the accounting clerk has only the authorization for displaying (and not for changing) certain FI credit management data (authorization objects F_KNKA_MAN, F_KNKA_KKB). However, the Transaction 'Customer Credit Management Change' (FD32) is always called up via the menu option 'Environment'. Since the accounting clerk only has the authorization for displaying certain data, the corresponding error message is also generated correctly. For the display of data only, you must therefore always use a new mode for calling up the Transaction 'Customer Credit Management Display' (FD33).

If an accounting clerk has only the authorization for displaying credit management data (authorization objects F_KNKA_MAN, F_KNKA_KKB), after calling Transaction FD32 the system changes automatically from 'Blocked Sales & Distribution (SD) documents list' to the display Transaction FD33. As a result, a new mode becomes unnecessary. This solution only makes sense if the authorizations in the credit management Transactions (FD32, FD33) were restricted by the mentioned authorization objects. If a user has no authorization for Transaction FD32 the source code changes will not be successful, because the authorization check for a certain transaction (authorization object S_TCODE) is not performed in the called transaction, and therefore no reaction from the called transaction (like automatic calling up of the display transaction) can be expected.
We recommend to solve the problem as follows: You should not remove the authorization for Transaction FD32 from users, but restrict the authorizations in Transaction FD32 through usage of the mentioned authorization objects.

Line item: Header information is missing

The system does not display any header information on the line item list for the general ledger, vendors or customers.Data is missing which identify the account in particular, as well as the account number and name.

SAP delivers standard layout variants for line item displays (including a header layout).The names of the variants delivered begin with a number.
For example, the standard variant '1SAP' is always used for list view if you leave the field 'Display variant' blank on the selection screen.In the header area of the display, the account number and the account name then should be displayed.
However, there may be an error in the delivery causing the header layout to be missing for standard variants.

Transfer the files as specified in Note 13719 which you can find in directory /general/R3server/abap/note.0181697 of SAP servers SAPSERV3, SAPSERV4, SAPSERV5 and SAPSERV6 into your system. With this transport, the current standard variants are copied together with the headers for the line item into your system. Bear in mind that a corresponding target client is specified. Otherwise they would have to be imported manually:

Call Transactions: FBL1N, FBL3N and FBL5N:
1. Line items display
2. Menu: Settings -> Display variant -> Administration
3. Menu: Environment -> Import layout

Line item: incorrect account information in header

You are in the line item display for vendors or customers. On the selection screen, you have selected field "Vendor items" or "Customer items". In the headers for these items, information is either missing for the account or does not apply.

The corresponding vendor or customer account for the vendor or customer is defined in fields LFA1-KUNNR or KNA1-LIFNR. Starting from this account number, the system reads the master data for the incorrect account type. If the vendor and the customer account are identified with the same account number, then the system displays the master data of the vendor in the header for the customer account and vice versa. Otherwise, the fields usually remain blank in the header.

This error is corrected in Release 5.0. You can also implement the attached advance corrections.

Line item: branch items missing

You are using the line item display for customers or vendors with dynamic selections for master data fields (tables KNA1, KNB1 or LFA1, LFB1). The system incorrectly does not display the branch items managed at the head office.

The error may also lead to the system incorrectly not displaying

the items of the vendor clearing account for the customer
the items of the customer clearing account for the vendor

This is caused by a program error: the system incorrectly also considers the master record field dynamic selections for the head office as well as for the clearing account.

This error is corrected in Release 4.70.
Import the Support Package specified in the attachment for your release or implement the attached advance corrections.

What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code

It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all the customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy system) to new SAP system. You can do it using many tools, most noticeably MDMs.

Before installation of SAP, Data maintained by Company is called Legacy Data. At the time of instalation, it is required to transfer Data from Legacy to SAP like Masters (Material/Customer, etc). It can be done in various ways like BDC, LSMW, etc.

What is the purpose of text determination,a/c determination

Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order/delvery or invoice (and anything inbetween)

Account determination: For transferring financial and costing information to proper financial docs

Partner determination: For determing who is is legally resposible for A/r, who the goods are going to and whatever else you waana drive through this functionality.

Output determination: What kinda output does a sales/delivery/billing document create and who gets it, where?. For example A partner might get an EDI notification for a sales order just confirmed, whereas a financial/leasing company gets the invoice!

(a) Text Determination: Any Texts in Masterial Master/Material Determination/Order/Delivery , etc is meant to convey messages to the subsequent documents for compliance. e.g. "Give Top Priority" message mentioned in Order is meant for Production Dept. (b) Account Determination:is integration between Finance and SD. The A/P along with Account Keys need to be allocated accordingly with combination of Account Determination Group for Customer and Material if required. (c) Partner Determination:To identify which type of Partner it is so that if required for same Customer different Partner Functions may be required e.g Only One Sold To Party per Customer. More than One Ship to Party/ Bill to Party/ Payer possible. Accordingly different Masters will have to be created. Useful for despatch of Material in casae of Ship to Party, sending Bill in case of Bill to Party and payment followup/Dunning in case of Payer. (d) Output Determination: What type of Output (Fax/Mail, etc) is required, where and in what Format(ABAP Customisation may be required in some cases especially Invoices). (e) Storage Location Determination: depends on Plant, Shipping Point and Storage Conditions

What do u do really in pricing determination,

Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure.

We determine how the prices are calculated, taking into account sales area(sales org, distribution channel, division), document type and customer(generally sold-to-party).
The main differences between pricing procedures would be the differences as we mentioned above, from the point of view of field entries. Coming to the output and the procedure, Suppose the condition types used will be different and hence the following whole procedure. One pricing procedure determination to the others, which data control these differences

Explain about sales order cycle?

Sales order is an aggrement between the company and a customer. Sales order takes all necessary data's from Cust.Master DAta and Matl Master Data. It can take even data from
Quotations (w.r.t preceeding documents). Then the data copied into delivery order.Then relevant data from both sales order as well as deliver order is copied into Billing documents. At every stage system integrates with other modules as well to grab data.

Sales Order Cycle :- Inquiry - Quotation - Order-Delivery - Post Goods Issue - Billing - Return Order - Return Delivery - Post Goods Return - Return Billing Type.

what is functional specs?

Functional specification is a comprehensive document which describes the desired functionality. It contains technical information and data. It describes the scope,current functionality and desired functionality of a function/transaction

Basic SAP R3 Tables for the SD Module

VBAK Order header
VBAP Order item
VBEP Order schedule line
LIKP Delivery header
LIPS Delivery item
VBRK Billing header
VBRP Billing item
VBPA Partners
VBUK Status header
VBUP Status items
VBKD Business data
VBFA Document flow

Sales Order Management Transactions

Reviewing Document Flow VA03
Searching for a Customer Sales Order by Serial Number ZV11
Order Inquiry ZV33

Creating Sales Order VA01
Maintaining a Sales Order VA02
Displaying a Sales Order VA03
Releasing an Order or Delivery from Credit Hold: Non-Flooring VKM1
Releasing an Order or Delivery from Flooring Hold ZKM1
Manually Pre-authorizing Blocked Credit Card Orders Z.14
Display List of RMAs by Customer VA05
Confirm RMA Goods Receipt VL02
Generate list of open return orders for deletion VA05
Display Customer returns eligibility MCSI
Removing a Billing Block (Approving Credit/Debit Requests) V.23

Create Pricing VK11
Creating a Sales Deal VB21
Maintaining a Sales Deal VB22
Displaying a Sales Deal VB23
Maintaining Prices VK12
Displaying Prices VK13

Creating Material Substitution Master Data VB11
Maintaining/Deleting Material Substitution Master Data VB12
Displaying Material Substitution Master Data VB13
Creating a Bundled Master MM01
Creating a Sales BOM CS01
Maintaining a Sales BOM CS02
Displaying a Sales BOM CS03

Creating Partner Records XD01
Maintaining Customer Master Data XD02
Displaying Customer Master Data XD03
Deactivating a Partner VD06
Creating/Maintaining New Customer Credit Information FD32
Displaying Customer Credit Information FD33
Blocking or Unblocking a Customer VD05

Creating a Delivery VL01
Displaying a Delivery VL03
Deleting a Delivery VL02
Shipment Inquiry / Display VT03
Adjusting Transfer Order - Confirmation Quantity LT12
Collectively Confirm Transfer Order LT25
Batch Shipment Confirmation VL19
Creating Service Provider/Carrier Master Data XK01
Maintaining Serive Provider/Carrier Master Data XK02
Displaying Service Provider/Carrier Master Data XK03
Maintaining Product Master/Serial # Profile/Unit of Measure/Shipping Unit MM02
IDoc Inquiry WE02 / WE05
Workflow Instructions

Invoicing a Customer Shipment VF01
Reprinting an Invoice VF31
Releasing a Sales Order for Billing V.23
Creating an Invoice by Using the Billing Due List VF04
Checking Open Billing Documents VF05
Create Credit/Debit Memo FB01
Controlling Total Debit/Credit bkgs F.03
Generate FI Account balance F.08
Generate Month-to-date Inv. register F.02
Process payments FBZ1
Rqst Individual Customer Corresp. FB12
Generate Customer Correspondence F.61
Enter Batch totals under Control ttl FB07
Display G/L Acct. totals FBL3
Reverse Posted Amounts FB08
Customer Refunds FBL6
Customer Refund to other than Payer FB05
Clearing Debit/Credit on Cust. acct. FB1D
Customer Balance in Local Currency F.23
G/L Account Balance Report F.08
Create Invoice - legal entity adjust FB01
Generate Cust. Acct. statements F.27
Generate Dunning Letters F150
Generate Billing Due List VF04
Generate Blocked Billing Doc list VFX3
Inq. via Credit Release Screen VKM1
List orders by partner VA05
Past Due invoices by customer FD11
Check number info by G/L account FBL3
Display customer Line items FBL5
Post Customer payments FF68
Verify if A/R is updated FB03

Some inportant transaction for Sales and Logistics are as follows:
VS00 - Master Data;
VC00 - Sales support;
VA00 - Sales;
VL00 - Shipping;
VF00 - Billing.
VD01 - Create customer master;
VD02 - Change customer master;
VD03 - Display customer master;
XD01 - Create customer master centrally;
XD02 - Change customer master centrally;
XD03 - Display customer master centrally;
VD04 - Customer account changes;
VD06 - Customer deletion flag;
VKM3/VKM4 - Sales documents list.
MM01 - Create material master;
MM02 - Change material;
MM03 - Display material.
MMBE - Stock Query
MB52 - Ware house Stock
VA01 - Create sales order;
VA02 - Change order;
VA03 - Display order;
VA05 - Sales order list.
ME21N - Purchase Order
ME51N - Puchase order from Purchase requisition
MIGO - Goods Movement

VL01 - Create delivery;
VL02N - Change delivery document;
VL04 - Delivery due list;
VKM5 - Deliveries list;
Vl09 - Goods issue cancel.
VL31n- Inbound delivery
VF02 - Billing document change;
VF04 - Billing due list;
VF11 - Billing document cancel.
CO09 - Material availability overview;
MMBE - Stock overview.
VOV4 - Assign Item categories;
VOV6 - Scheduling line categories;
VOV8 - Define Sales document.
VOK0 - Maintain Pricing;
V/06 - Pricing;
V/07 - Access sequence;
V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure;
OVKP - Pricing procedure determination.
VK11 - Maintain Condtion recoreds;
IW21 - Create notification
IW31 - Create work order
IE01 - Create Equipment master
FPE1- Create document
FPE2- Change document
FPE3- Display document
INSOCREATE - Create Insurance object
INSOCHANGE - Change Insurance object
INSODISP - Display Insurance object

What is ERP?

ERP is an acronym for "Enterprise Resource Planning". An ERP attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different department's particular needs.

E: Enterprise is a huge business Organisation.
R: Resources are Money, Material, Man power, Machinery, and Methods
P: Planning for optimal Utilization of resource for a huge business Organisation